Just Once I’d Like to—

Before I had a baby and I still had some semblance of a life, I kept a fairly substantial number of completed comics in the queue. At any given moment, I could post a comic. It’s like having a fat savings account: most of the time you never need to use those funds, but knowing you CAN just feels damn good.

Then I became a parent, but I was still able to maintain a cushy queue during those first couple months while my daughter was still in the larval phase and slept most of the day. Much too quickly, though, she started sleeping less, requiring more, and leaving a trail of soiled items in her wake, ready to launder. Now I blink and a week goes by, my art untouched in seven-plus days. The comic savings account has dwindled. I’m livin’ on the edge, paycheck to paycheck. I’m always low on funds and can never seem to get ahead. I save up a little and then it disappears.

So, this is my little joke with myself. When I’ve stopped and started a piece twelve times, when I never have a substantial chunk of time to make headway, when I save a little only to then spend a lot…

This is my life now.

Adult Rompers, etc.

Posted the Jumpsuit comic today and I’m mentally reviewing the six (or so) times in my life when I’ve tried on a glam one-piece jumpsuit. All six (or so) of those times produced the same result, and I inevitably form the same conclusion: jumpsuits are created for some other type of woman who may or may not exist. Like JLo.

It’s probably for the best anyhow. I’m not keen on the idea of having to get naked to take a wizz.

Oh, I included this drawing just for funsies, so this post wouldn’t look too sad and empty. The drawing is still in progress and represents my Saturday morning state. Pants always optional. Rompers prohibited.